Έφθασε και η δέκατη εκδοχή της ενότητας Less Words/More Music και είναι η πρώτη για το 2016. Συμπεριλαμβάνονται δύο μπάντες από τη Σουηδία, οι Laughing και οι Man Klan, αλλά και μία μπάντα από την Μεγάλη Βρετανία, οι M4Alice. Επίσης, έχουμε και τη μοναδική κυκλοφορία των Fur Bible, ενός σχήματος από τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες. Σε όλα τα προαναφερθέντα σχήματα ο κυρίαρχος ήχος είναι post punk/deathrock και gothic. Ορμήστε και απολαύστε τη μουσική.
Here's the tenth issue of Less Words/More Music and the first one for 2016. Included are two bands from Sweden, Laughing and Man Klan as well as two bands from the U.K. All of the above are in the post punk/deathrock and gothic genre. Dig in and enjoy.
1. Laughing: Kort Tid Av Lycka e.p. [S-Skivor-1984]
Οι Laughing είναι ένα post punk σχήμα από τη Σουηδία. Κατέστη απολύτως αδύνατο να εντοπίσουμε ο,τιδήποτε για αυτούς, επομένως όποια πληροφορία από τους αναγνώστες μας θα ήταν ευπρόσδεκτη. Άσχετα με αυτό, η μουσική τους είναι υπέροχη με σκοτεινά post punk -σχεδόν goth- τραγούδια. Ο τίτλος του μοναδικού τους δίσκου σημαίνει "Μια μικρή περίοδος ευτυχίας". Από όσο γνωρίζουμε δεν έχει αναρτηθεί ποτέ πριν. Καλή ακρόαση.
ENG: Laughing are a post punk band from Sweden. It's been absolutely impossible to locate any data on them, so any feedback from readers is welcome. Despite the lack of trivial information, their music is awesome with dark post punk and goth style songs. Apparently, "Kort Tid Av Lycka" [means "Short Period of Happiness"] is their sole release and as far as we know, it has never been posted elsewhere. Enjoy!
01. Karlekspistoler
02. Las Vegas
03. Du Lovade
04. I Ditt Hjarta
2. Man Klan: Boys From This Territory e.p. [Wire Records-1985]
Οι Man Klan είναι ένα new wave/post punk και έρχονται επίσης από τη Σουηδία. Παρ' όλο που είναι σχετικά άγνωστοι, εντούτοις ο μοναδικός μεγάλος τους δίσκος "Flesh Machine" (1987) έχει αναρτηθεί στο μπλόγκ Systems of Romance. Γεγονός είναι ότι οι Man Klan έχουν γυναικεία φωνητικάκαι οι τίτλοι και οι στίχοι των δυναμικών τραγουδιών τους έχουν αμφίσημη σημασία. Eμείς αγαπάμε τη μουσική τους και πιστεύουμε πως και εσείς θα κάνετε το ίδιο. Απολαύστε τους.
ENG: Man Klan are another new wave/post punk band from Sweden. They are relatively obscure too, except for the fact that Their 1987 "Flesh Machine" LP is already posted on Systems of Romance. They were a female fronted band with strong songs and really ambiguous song titles and lyrics. The "Boys Of This Territory" e.p. which we're posting today was released two years prior to the aforementioned LP. All in all, we love their music and we think you will too. Enjoy!
01. Corroding Kiss
02. Fisherman
03. Boys Of This Territory
04. Gayola Gay
3. M4Alice: Shiloh e.p. [Plastic Head Records-1988]
Οι M4Alice είναι Βρετανικό σχήμα που παίζει σκοτεινή post punk. Φυσικά δεν έχουμε βρει τίποτα για αυτούς, όμως θεωρήσαμε πως πρέπει να αναρτηθεί η μουσική τους. Παλιότερα υπήρξε μια ανάρτηση για τους M4Alice στο thepostpunk80sunderground χωρίς επιπλέον πληροφορίες. Όπως και νά'χει, ο ήχος τους είναι σκοτεινός, παράξενος και κάποιες φορές τραχύς. Αφιερώστε λίγο χρόνο και ακούστε τους.
ENG: M4Alice are a British post punk/goth band of which we know nothing about, but we feel should be posted since it's not posted elsewhere. Well, thepostpunk80sunderground blog made a post about it a long time ago, but there wasn't much info there. Nevertheless, M4Alice's sound is dark and at times weirder and harsher. Take some time and listen to them. Enjoy!
01. Shiloh
02. Upal Zenc
03. Fetch
04. The Sleeper
4. Fur Bible: Fur Bible e.p. [New Rose-1985]
Οι Fur Bible ήταν ένα βραχύβιο σχήμα/project που δημιούργησε ο Kid Congo Powers μέλος των Gun Club, των Cramps, των Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, και της Patricia Morrisson, μέλος και αυτή των Gun Club, αλλά και των The Sisters of Mercy και των Damned. Αφού έκαναν αρκετές ζωντανές εμφανίσεις τελικά κυκλοφόρησαν το ομότιτλο e.p.. Η μουσική των Fur Bible δεν είναι πολύ διαφορετική από τη μουσική των προαναφερθέντων συγκροτημάτων, π.χ. έχουν ένα σκοτεινό rockabilly ύφος όπως των Cramps. Ο ίδιος ο Kid Congo Powers δίνει περισσότερες πληροφορίες για το συγκρότημα. Απολαύστε τους.
ENG: Fur Bible were a short lived band/project created by Kid Congo Powers (The Gun Club, The Cramps, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds) and Patricia Morrisson (The Gun Club, The Sisters of Mercy, The Damned) in 1985. They did some live gigs and released this same titled e.p.. Fur Bible isn't much different than anything else its members ever got involved into. They sound a bit rockabilly and have a dark feel similar to The Cramps. Here are some more information on the band as given by Kid Congo Powers.Enjoy!
01. Plunder the Tombs
02. Headbolt
03. Fumble Fist
Here's the tenth issue of Less Words/More Music and the first one for 2016. Included are two bands from Sweden, Laughing and Man Klan as well as two bands from the U.K. All of the above are in the post punk/deathrock and gothic genre. Dig in and enjoy.
1. Laughing: Kort Tid Av Lycka e.p. [S-Skivor-1984]

ENG: Laughing are a post punk band from Sweden. It's been absolutely impossible to locate any data on them, so any feedback from readers is welcome. Despite the lack of trivial information, their music is awesome with dark post punk and goth style songs. Apparently, "Kort Tid Av Lycka" [means "Short Period of Happiness"] is their sole release and as far as we know, it has never been posted elsewhere. Enjoy!
01. Karlekspistoler
02. Las Vegas
03. Du Lovade
04. I Ditt Hjarta
2. Man Klan: Boys From This Territory e.p. [Wire Records-1985]

ENG: Man Klan are another new wave/post punk band from Sweden. They are relatively obscure too, except for the fact that Their 1987 "Flesh Machine" LP is already posted on Systems of Romance. They were a female fronted band with strong songs and really ambiguous song titles and lyrics. The "Boys Of This Territory" e.p. which we're posting today was released two years prior to the aforementioned LP. All in all, we love their music and we think you will too. Enjoy!
01. Corroding Kiss
02. Fisherman
03. Boys Of This Territory
04. Gayola Gay
3. M4Alice: Shiloh e.p. [Plastic Head Records-1988]

ENG: M4Alice are a British post punk/goth band of which we know nothing about, but we feel should be posted since it's not posted elsewhere. Well, thepostpunk80sunderground blog made a post about it a long time ago, but there wasn't much info there. Nevertheless, M4Alice's sound is dark and at times weirder and harsher. Take some time and listen to them. Enjoy!
01. Shiloh
02. Upal Zenc
03. Fetch
04. The Sleeper
4. Fur Bible: Fur Bible e.p. [New Rose-1985]

ENG: Fur Bible were a short lived band/project created by Kid Congo Powers (The Gun Club, The Cramps, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds) and Patricia Morrisson (The Gun Club, The Sisters of Mercy, The Damned) in 1985. They did some live gigs and released this same titled e.p.. Fur Bible isn't much different than anything else its members ever got involved into. They sound a bit rockabilly and have a dark feel similar to The Cramps. Here are some more information on the band as given by Kid Congo Powers.Enjoy!
01. Plunder the Tombs
02. Headbolt
03. Fumble Fist